AIGA President Debbie Millman on spec work | David Airey, graphic designer

AIGA book cover by Paul Rand
1968 AIGA Annual cover, by Paul Rand

Cat Wentworth, the Bangkok-based force behind NO!SPEC, has conducted an excellent interview with newly-appointed AIGA President Debbie Millman. Here are a couple of choice quotes.

“AIGA has reiterated its longtime position that spec work is not in the interest of either designers or clients and we are now redoubling our efforts to educate, inform and inspire clients and designers alike to work respectfully, intelligently and fairly.
“I am personally vigorously, passionately and fundamentally AGAINST designers being asked to do work on spec and neither I nor my firm will ever participate in speculative work. I have said it before and I will say it again: Speculative work denigrates both the agencies and the designers that participate. If we give away our work for free, if we give away our talent and our expertise, we give away more than the work. We give away our souls.”
Designing on spec leads to many problems for both the designer and client. I’ll not go into details here, because it’s all been said elsewhere.
Twitter accounts worth following
Debbie, I’m delighted for you and your new role with AIGA, and I hope it all works out brilliantly.
Head over to NO!SPEC to read the full chat. (Debbie Millman on Twitter.)
And a very special thanks to Cat for her tireless efforts.


AIGA President Debbie Millman on spec work | David Airey, graphic designer